Search Results: exile

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Exile AGA screenshotExile AGA 1991 Amiga
A platform like arcade game, with good graphics and music featuring digital speach. You have to control your hero, who has a jetpack on his back. It's not an easy task. ...

Blades of Exile screenshotBlades of Exile 1997 Role playing
This is the final game in the Exile series. This is not a continuation of the plot of the series however- it is a program that allows you to make your own Exile games- although it includes three premade scenarios. ...

Myst 3: Exile screenshotMyst 3: Exile 2001 Adventure
After solving the mysteries of Myst and Riven: The Sequel to Myst, the universe was seemingly brought into a state of peace. Unfortunately, the newfound harmony would only last so long. An enraged individual is seeking out vengeance on Sirrus and Achenar, the two men responsible for destroying his homeland....

Exile 2: Crystal Souls screenshotExile 2: Crystal Souls 1996 Role playing
Exile 2 plays very similar to the first Exile, featuring skill-based characters and level advancement in a 'classic' RPG system. The view is top-down, with turn-based combat and lots of items to hoard and use, along with a bunch of mage and cleric spells. Besides human party members, the player...

Exile 3: Ruined World screenshotExile 3: Ruined World 1997 Role playing
I have kind of an embarrassing computer game confession. To this day, I still remember the theme song from Ultima III, and even hum it occasionally. There's a good reason, though. I can't remember any other computer role-playing game that held my interest for so long, and kept me so...

Exile 1: Escape from the Pit screenshotExile 1: Escape from the Pit 1995 Role playing
A 'classic' RPG, featuring level-based party advancement in various skills that define the character. Features turn-based combat, lots of enemies, a huge area to explore, and dozens if not hundreds of characters to talk to, with a text-entry method. Exile is the name of a huge system of underground caverns, used...


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