Budokan: The Martial Spirit 1989
Buggy Boy 1988
It's not every day that you find a completely non-violent game that manages to combine speed, skills, and excitement with simplicity, but Buggy Boy has managed to deliver the goods in fine style. Coin-op conversions too often fail to reach the standards of the originals. The same can not be...
Bundesliga Manager Hattrick AGA 1994
Bundesliga Manager Pro 1.3 1991
Burntime 1993
Cabal 1989
The Easter bunny has come early this year. And this time round he ain't bringing choccy eggs. This is Psycho Rabbit: he's mean, he's meaty and he's carrying a grenade launcher... Cabal, noun, 'a secret plot, esp, a political one'. Kerblimcy! So that's what it's all about! A political strategy...
Cadaver 1990
The Bitmap Brothers have gained near godlike status in the software industry for producing top-notch games. Bitmap has become a byword for quality. Cadaver, the second to last Bitmap game for Image Works before their defection to Renegade, is soon to be released and is every bit as good as...
Caesar 1992
I get the feeling that Impressions are a lot like our friends from Japan used to, they waited for a product to come out, looked at it and then produced a better version. Now of course, the Japanese are leaders in innovation. Perhaps. Impressions will move the same way. Caesar has...
California Games 1988
Opening with the Kingsmen's 'Louie, Louie' backing the credits, the Amiga update of the 64 blockbuster is as Californian as a year round sun tan. It may not be the best of the hundred and fifty so versions of the song recorded, but it is the thought that counts. No new...
California Games 2 1992
Here they come again: Epyx with yet another game to cash in on the Olympics...no, wait! It's California Games II! Have I been waiting for this! I promised never to touch an Epyx game after the Megasports compilation, but something told me to have a go. Well I did (the...
Campaign 1992
Empire describe Campaign as being "the most comprehensive simulation of warfare in World War II" and judging by the amount of detail and complexity in this release then they may just be right. I've heard Campaign described as a cross between U.M.S. and M1 Tank Platoon so you know what...
Campaign 2 1994
It's strategy, it's 3-D simulation, it's downright realistic warfare. Campaign 2 is here in all its colourful glory. The first thing I noticed was that the game packaging seemed anxious to impress us with the fact that great advances had been made on the original version. We are told: "Campaign...
Cannon Fodder 1993
One of the greatest war games ever created for the Amiga. You can play the war from the funny side. "War has never been so much fun!" A little strategy, a litte action, and a little bit skillfull. Great music with featured voice! ...
Cannon Fodder 2 1994
Caused a bit of a stink first time round this. 'War has never been so much fun', went the tune, and the Daily Star didn't like the poppies. But once the hoo-ha was dispensed with, we were left with one of the most addictive Amiga games ever. You took control...
Cannon Fodder: Christmas Edition 1993
Capone 1988
I get a bit annoyed when games say, "Belter than a movie, it's like being there!" on the cover. I'll be the judge of that, is my usual retort, but in Actionware's case I'll let them off. It's not like being there, but it is an enjoyable and addictive arcade...
Captain Blood 1988
One of the best qualities of good computer games is their ability to transport us to another place, much like a well-made film can carry ink other dimension or other people's lives. The difference between games and films is that in a game you are not merely an observer, but...
Captain Planet and the Planeteers 1991
Captive 1990
Originally titled Federation War (but renamed Captive in a recent ACE competition) this excellent Tony Crowther epic places you in the confines of a huge orbiting fortress somewhere in the depths of space. You are there, not unreasonably, because you are the most evil man in the Galaxy. Having been...
Caribbean Disaster 1996
Carl Lewis Challenge 1992
The Olympics are over, and a load of track and field simulations are on the market, Psygnosis have got in on the act with none other than Carl Lewis to support them! So, tie up your trainers, get on your marks and enter the Carl Lewis Challenge! After putting the first...
Carnage 1992
Funny that I've been playing this game on and off for a week now, and I've only just noticed that there's a blatant, hideous, and for all I know, entirely unintentional pun in the title. It would have rated higher if both bits of the pun had worked, for instance,...
Carrier Command 1988
Kixx, bless 'em, have picked up this ex-lmageworks title, dusted it off and released it for under a tenner. Using fast-moving 3D graphics, which were ahead of their time at the time. Carrier Command puts you in control of a large aircraft carrier and all the equipment contained therein. Your...
Carthage 1990
Cartoon 1993
Carvup 1990
Cartoons are wonderful things - they make us laugh and keep a tot of people happy. So what happens when someone makes them bad and unhappy? Cartoon heroes like Arnie the car have to go and make them good again, that's what. This cute little platform game is based well in...
Castle Master 1990
Has any member of your family ever been snatched by a 30-meter dragon and carried off to a wizard's lair? Well, it is the kind of thing that used to happen all the time in the Dark Ages, or so Incentive would have us believe in this all-singing, all-dancing, cheese-eating,...
Castle Warrior 1989
The conventional Brit view of Gallic games is about as narrow as the conventional Brit view of most things beyond our shores. French games are pretty, graphically 'nice', but when it comes to game play, well... Well what? Purple Saturn Day was superb graphically and gameplay wise, as was KULT,...
Castles 1992
Eventually, you must turn defence into attack and advance far enough to destroy the Celts once and for all. You shall start with the royal treasury at 2,500 gold pieces and must use this money wisely to hire hands to build your castle and defend it. Your first task is...
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