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Lemmings Holiday screenshotLemmings Holiday 1993
They're small, they're cute and this time they're dressed up as miniature Father Christmases, complete with red capes and fur-trimmed hats. Brilliant, eh? You have to guide up to 99 of the little fellas over 32 snow-covered levels - complete with fairy lights, psychotic snowmen and icy precipices - until...

Lemmings: Oh No! More Lemmings screenshotLemmings: Oh No! More Lemmings 1993
Never has a game been so aptly titled. Barely has the world settled down and stopped wibbling over the software phenomenon that was Lemmings, than Psygnosis release a further 100 levels. New traps, new layouts, new strategies. And again, the world puts on a blue jumpsuit and goes "Wibble". Well, to...

Lethal Weapon screenshotLethal Weapon 1992
LETHAL BOX OFFICE Joel Silver's trilogy of Lethal Weapon films are undoubtedly one of the movie success stories of recent years. If you're one of the few people who are unfamiliar with them, they star Mel Gibson as Martin Riggs, a whacko LA cop who's gone from suicidal to near-homicidal in...

Lethal Xcess screenshotLethal Xcess 1991
Wings Of Death was one of the more underrated shoot'em-ups of a year or so ago which was no doubt adored by those it struck a particular chord with. It was no surprise then that a sequel should emerge from the swamps of time, coming only in the form of...

Liberation screenshotLiberation 1994
Liberation is without competition on the CD32 -it's simply streets ahead of everything else. Thankfully, for all of us who aren't yet kitted out with Commodore's latest bit of CD-wizardry, Mindscape has managed to cram the game on to a mere five floppies. Gone is the orchestrated soundtrack and speech which...

Liberators screenshotLiberators 1989

Licence to Kill screenshotLicence to Kill 1989
The world's most famous secret agent, James Bond, is once more appearing on a computer screen near you Licence to Kill, the game, is based on the film starring newcomer Timothy Dalton and faithfully follows the movie's plot. It puts you in Jimmy's shoes as he sets out on a...

Light Corridor screenshotLight Corridor 1990
The most advanced puzzle sport has arrived with frantic action but no violence. You control a large, square bat that you must move through a tunnel network. This may sound simple but you also have to take a metallic sphere along with you. The sphere is knocked through the tunnels...

Lion King AGA screenshotLion King AGA 1994
Came from Disney's famous animation movie, The Lion King. It was released to almost all platforms, including the console machines and the pc. The Amiga version is a little bit dulled in compare with the pc version. For example there are no "Hakuna Matata" level. I don't know why, maybe...

Lionheart screenshotLionheart 1992
Thalion are on a bit of a roll at the moment. What with the excellent No Second Prize and the forthcoming Ambermoon, the German software house look set to conquer all genres. Between those two games, though, falls Lionheart, an attempt to out-wrestle whatever hack-and-slash-'em-up platform adventure is currently recognised...

Little Computer People screenshotLittle Computer People 1987
Old hands will remember Little Computer People from its original release some years ago. It gives you the chance to see for the first time, the little people living inside your computer. The disk provides a three-storey house for your pet person, fitted out with homely furnishings and mod-cons. Your...

Little Puff in Dragonland screenshotLittle Puff in Dragonland 1989
A simple platform game, where you play Puff, who is in Dragonland (you never thought right? :)) So you have to help him out. The game was also released on C64 in 1990. The graphics in Amiga version was a little bit upgraded, but the games are almost the same. ...

Locomotion screenshotLocomotion 1992
Locomotion is a puzzle game (some would say simulation) featuring a series of small, poorly-designed train networks. Each consists of six or seven lettered depots, and a maze of single-lane tracks linking them. As the network's signalman, your job is to make sure the dozen or so trains that make...

Logical screenshotLogical 1991
What a lot of spherical objects! You'll need all your marbles to cope with RAINBOW ARTS' fascinating fast-action puzzler... Logical is a bit of a rarity; a thought-provoking fast-acton game which is genuinely as addictive as the blurb claims. OK. it's derived from dozens of vaguely similar titles - Tetris,...

Lombard RAC Rally screenshotLombard RAC Rally 1988
The dust had hardly settled over Harrogate when Mandarin released a driving simulation that used the Lombard RAC Rally as its inspiration. Having clocked up average speeds of over 120mph on that other well known driving program Test Drive, I was eager to put my talents to the test on...

Loom screenshotLoom 1990
Written by ex-Infocom man, Brian Moriarty, Loom presents you with another of Lucasfilm's animated graphic adventures in the tradition of Maniac Mansion and Indiana Jones. The main difference, though, is that Loom uses a unique musical interface to aid puzzle solving. You are Bobbin, a member of the Guild of Weavers:...

Loopz screenshotLoopz 1990
In Loopz you make loops out of the bits of piping slung at you. As each piece appears you have a fast-diminishing time limit to move it around, rotate it and drop it. If you don't drop the piece before time runs out you lose a life. The more complex the...

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring screenshotLord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 1991
Software houses have often drawn on Tolkien's world of hobbits, elves, dwarves, monsters and magic for computer games, but nobody has ever come close to capturing the essence of the book - until now. Lord of the Rings Volume One is more of a straight-forward adventure than most other Tolkien-inspired...

Lords of Chaos screenshotLords of Chaos 1991

Lords of the Realm AGA screenshotLords of the Realm AGA 1994
Author David Lester pays unashamed tribute to the classics Defender Of The Crown and Kingdoms in his program notes. He felt that there was plenty of scope to produce a splendid game that not only consisted of gaining territories and defending your population, but also included a proper land management...

Lords of the Rising Sun screenshotLords of the Rising Sun 1989
Set in the regal turbulence of 12th century Japan, Lords of the Rising Sun is an adventure of honor, power, and vengeance. Players take the role of a young feudal lord destined to reunite the three kingdoms -- or die trying. Like many other Cinemaware titles of its time, this...

Lords of Time screenshotLords of Time 1992
Don't make the mistake of thinking that this game has having anything to do with Tom (Loose perm) Baker, or Peter (All Creatures Great and Small) Davidson, who were both Time lords. Depending how you look at it, it's probably just as well, - I mean, can you imagine Bonnie...

Lost Patrol, The screenshotLost Patrol, The 1990
It's June 7th, 1966; a US helicopter returning troops from a period of rest and recreation in Saigon goes all wobbly and crashes in the remote Central Highlands of Vietnam. There are seven survivors, and the nearest US base, Du Hoc, is 57 miles away. 57 miles of unbelievably harsh...

Lost Vikings, The screenshotLost Vikings, The 1993
There is one thing you can always count on with Interplay, you don't get no rubbish! They have always believed that, as gamers themselves, they knew pretty much what was good and what wasn't and that there was no way that they would subject any of their customers to a...

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge screenshotLotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 1990
No question about it - this has to be THE budget release of the month. Gremlin's first serious foray into the Amiga driving scene is, for our money at least, still the best road racer anyplace anytime anywhere. Don't be put off by the seemingly heavy licence connotations - this...

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 2 screenshotLotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 2 1991
Up ahead, the leader of the race comes into view. You push the accelerator a little harder trying to make ground on him. The car in your rear view mirror is swerving and pushing you hard, trying to force you to make a mistake. You must keep total concentration if...

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 3 screenshotLotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 3 1992
By the time Gremlin got round to releasing Lotus 3. it has to be said that developers Magnetic Fields were obviously starting to run out of ideas. After all, the first Lotus offered unbeatable two-player action and the fastest road update the Amiga had seen, and the sequel offered a...

Lupo Alberto: The videogame screenshotLupo Alberto: The videogame 1990
Lupo Alberto is the latest export from Italy. He's a cartoon character - a wolf in fact - who, in the eyes of the manual, 'is friendly, sharp and at the same time shy. Gifted with artistic sensitivity, he pays attention to the quality of life and to social and...

Lure of the Temptress screenshotLure of the Temptress 1992
We've all woken up bruised and uncomfortable in a slimy dungeon from time to time, but Dermot is definitely in trouble! The gaoler looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger with a skin condition and his conversation is singularly charmless. So begins The Lure of the Temptress, and why not? It's a fairly...

M.U.D.S. screenshotM.U.D.S. 1991
As sport games go M.U.D.S. is extremely basic. But Rainbow Arts' novel approach has produced a potential classic. M.U.D.S. is set in a typical Dungeons and Dragons style land: the middle ages with plenty of monsters running round. The main pastime consists of watching M.U.D.S., a violent team sport that's...

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