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Assassin screenshotAssassin 1992
This is normally the place you'd come to find out what Assassin's plot is, right? If so then I'm afraid you're going to be a little disappointed because, to be honest, there really isn't much of one to relate. Team 17 obviously realise (as they did with Project-X) that most...

Asterix 2 screenshotAsterix 2 1989
There must have been many fans of the Asterix comics who waited with baited breath for the arrival of Asterix: Operation Getatix. And devoted admirers they have to be, for this game doesn't offer the most sophisticated gameplay in the world. Asterix is best played in the spirit of remembering...

Astro Kid screenshotAstro Kid 1996

Atax screenshotAtax 1988
FOR a vertical scrolling alien zapper to make any waves now it has to have something a bit special. Atax does have a lower price than the average game, but that is about all it has going for it. The drab title screen says a lot about the game. On the...

Atomic screenshotAtomic 1990
ALL you have to do to get through Atomix is link a few jolly old atoms together so that they form some jolly old molecules. How? Simple. Just select the atom you want to move with the joystick and shunt it around the screen till it drops into place. What? You...

Aufschwung Ost screenshotAufschwung Ost 1993

Aunt Arctic Adventure screenshotAunt Arctic Adventure 1988
Not to be confused with the MSX cartridge Arctic Adventure, Aunt Arctic Adventure follows the plight of a young chimp and his penguin pal's attempts to rescue his beloved Aunt from the clutches of an evil circus owner. Big Borus, for that is the evil kidnapper's name, has whisked away...

Awesome screenshotAwesome 1990
The plot of Awesome has you and the crew of the Elapidae arriving for a spot of trading in the Octarian system, only to find it's scheduled for obliteration by the Homikahn and their dreaded Promethean cannon. In true gameplay tradition, this apparently serves as a convenient excuse to destroy...

Axel's Magic Hammer screenshotAxel's Magic Hammer 1990
Isn't life as a young person wonderful these days? Playing in the sunshine with not a care in the world. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a nasty Dragon King could kidnap your girlfriend... This is what has happened to Axel's lovely little friend Lucy, and Axel being the brave young...

B.A.T. screenshotB.A.T. 1990
This is a wonderful role playing adventure more than two years in the waiting. BAT stands for the Bureau of Astral Trou-bleshooters, and as one of their best agents, based on Terrapolis you are summoned for a new mission. Vrangor, a brilliant but mad scientist and Merigo a small time...

B.C. Kid screenshotB.C. Kid 1992
NUTTY BOY Hudson Soft have done it again. Not content with giving us one of the most addictive bomb 'n' run maze games ever in the form of Dynablaster, they've now gone and developed a gob smacking platform game that's destined to become something of a classic on the Amiga. The star...

B17: Flying Fortress screenshotB17: Flying Fortress 1993
Do you want a flight sim that takes more than joystick-waggling to master? Well then, do MicroProse have a simulation for you! Let's get one thing straight. This isn't your normal flight simulator, where you leap into the cockpit and destroy the entire German/Russian/lraqi airforce within the first five minutes, using...

Baal screenshotBaal 1988
Looking for a good arcade adventure? One in which the puzzles are not too complex? One where you can Wast away at anything that moves? And quite a bit that doesn't? One which even (dare we mention it?) requires more than a touch of agility as well as a well-calloused joystick...

Baby Jo screenshotBaby Jo 1991
Babies have been around for quite a long time. In fact, we've all been one at some time in our lives even though lor some unknown reason we can never remember. Still, take it from us you were one, but if crapping in your nappy and puking over your mum...

Back To The Future 2 screenshotBack To The Future 2 1990
Though not as acclaimed as its predecessor, Back To The Future 2 still managed to make a few million dollars for messrs Spielburg and Zemekis. The plot carries on from where the first left off, with Dr. Emmet Brown, Marty and his girlfriend. Jenny, whizzing off at 88 mph in...

Backlash screenshotBacklash 1988
Novagen's Backlash is how Paul Woakes has been spending his time since writing the acclaimed Mercenary. And it hasn't been wasted. If you like your shoot 'em ups served neat and simple with no frills, then put Backlash on your list of essential purchases. The instructions waste no time with tedious...

Badlands screenshotBadlands 1990
Time was when I commuted from London to Milton Keynes by car, up the M1. It was pretty hair-raising at times, cars changing lanes at the drop of a hat, slowing down for reasons known only to themselves and the regular sight of nasty pile-ups which the traffic crawled past,...

Balance of Power screenshotBalance of Power 1987
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, the old adage tells. And what better stage could there be on which to examine your maniacal tendencies than that of global politics. In what can only be described as fanatical detail. Balance of Power: The 1990 Edition (successor to the award-winning Balance of Power) takes the...

Ballistix screenshotBallistix 1989
I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. A recent convert to the Amiga. I knew that great graphics and thudding soundtracks were the order of the day. What I hadn't realised was the sheer nail-biting excitement of a good 16 bit game. And then along comes a...

Bandit Kings of Ancient China screenshotBandit Kings of Ancient China 1990
At the beginning of the 12th century the Song Dynasty of China was dangerously close to collapse. The barbarians of the Jin Empire threatened to invade from the north and destroy the ruling family. Emperor Hui Zhong was so concerned with the external threats that he failed to notice the...

Bandit Mania screenshotBandit Mania 1994

Banshee-AGA screenshotBanshee-AGA 1994
When the Earth's under attack you can rely on a Danish bloke in a bi-plane to save the day. Imagine a world where time and technology have stood still for decades. There are no wars, there is no disease, and people of all races have lived together in peace and...

Bar Games screenshotBar Games 1990

Barbarian screenshotBarbarian 1987
Hegor the Barbarian walks from screen to screen laying waste to his enemies, in the Psygnosis sword-and-sandal saga Barbarian. Dismiss this as 16-bit Euro-trash at your own peril. As hinted by the psychedelic cover art by Roger Dean (who designed Yes album jackets), Barbarian is an exercise in outlandishness. Showing...

Barbarian 2 screenshotBarbarian 2 1989
Whereas the original Barbarian was a simple, one-one-one fighting affair, its sequel is a far superior romp with a large element of exploration added to the gruesome combat. With four large levels to explore and a never-ending supply of opponents to do battle with, there's certainly enough to keep any...

Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior screenshotBarbarian: The Ultimate Warrior 1987
Since Barbarian came into the office the air has been filled with grunts, groans, screams, and the sounds of metal against metal and metal against flesh. It's also turned a rather obvious shade of dark blue and the office gearbox is now bursting at the seams (mainly thanks to C&VG's...

Bard's Tale 1 screenshotBard's Tale 1 1986
AFTER a slow start the Amiga now seems firmly on its way to a stronger position on the market and in our homes. Although manufacturers will always have glowing reports to show us, it is the software available for a computer that spells out the true state of affairs. A...

Bard's Tale 2 screenshotBard's Tale 2 1988
I've encountered this game from a rather naive point of view. Until now. I've somehow managed to avoid running into a single role-playing game in my career as a review (I thought RPGs were nasty little bits of military equipment that us Europeans sold indiscriminately to the Third World). I've always...

Bargon Attack screenshotBargon Attack 1992

Barravento screenshotBarravento 1993

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