EGA Trek Download (1989 Simulation Game)

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This is a 16-color DOS PC shareware clone of the classic "Star Trek" game of 1970's mainframes. However since Star Trek is a license, several names have been changed to avoid infringing the copyright, but the gameplay remains intact.

The game itself is simple. Each sector of the universe is an 8x8 grid containing planets, starbases, friendly or enemy starships and suns. Within this sector you can navigate to any point on the grid with impulse engines, or venture to a new sector using Warp engines. Your ship is equipped with lasers and torpedos to help defend yourself, and scanners to assess the nearby threats and nearby sectors. Additionally you'll need to find starbases for quick repairs and to resupply and may also discover new and unusual planets to beam down and explore. A nice touch to EGA Trek over all other clones is a "viewscreen" window which provides a crude graphic view of nearby objects.

Two distinct empires make your enemies list. The Mongols are the forces you'll run into again and again. Armed battle cruisers of various strengths. The other enemy are the Vandal, seen only in 1 type of ship, but able to cloak and avoid your sensors.

Should your vessel suffer enough damage, various systems will begin to fail and quite possibly you'll be down to your final reserve power and life support. From this point, sustaining more damage or not being able to repair the ship will result in the deaths of all crew members aboard and the ultimate failure of your mission. Success on the other hand is brought about by clearing the entire galaxy of hostile Mongol and Vandal fleets... with bonuses for discoveries, rescues and living crew members.

Some Star Trek game where you have to kill all Klingons. You can explore different sectors in space, each with there own planets, enemies and friends.

EGA Treks is one of the best "clones" of the popular Trek space combat simulation game in late 1970s/early 1980s. The excellent review at says it all:

"As the EGA Trek documentation explains, EGA Trek is actually a remake of one of the earliest video games (or earliest Star Trek games, anyway), so old that in its original minicomputer form it apparently wasn't uncommon to receive all the program's output through a printer. The Federation is being invaded by the Klingons and the Romulans - or rather, the Union is being invaded by the Mongols and the Vandals. (I suppose copyright lawsuits have always been around.) Naturally, it's up to you and you alone (almost) to kick butt and eradicate every Mongol you can find in 64 sectors. And even more naturally, it's not as easy as it sounds.

All of the Star Trek standards are here (albeit with different names): phasers, photon torpedoes, warp drive, various kinds of space stations, planets with dilithium mines, black holes, distress calls, death rays, view screens... Truly, once you figure out how to get around (and since the interface is reeeal old-fashioned, you might actually have to look at the help screen or even - gasp! - the manual), the most fun you can have is just figuring out how everything works and finding the most efficient way to dispense of the Mongol fleet.

You have a limited amount of energy to power all systems, including the lasers, which are prone to overheating, but are still the best way to blast things. Entorps take much less energy, but you can't carry many of them, and they're hard to aim, especially if a black hole is in the way, but they're all useless anyway if all your torpedo tubes are nonfunctioning. You can always shoot one at a nearby star and hope that the resulting explosion will remedy your woes, or even blow you halfway across the galaxy, but destroyed stars cost you points at the end of the mission. If you capture a Mongol supply station, you might have a plasma bolt or two to chuck at your enemy, provided you're far enough outside of the blast radius to remain unaffected. If all else fails, you can try that experimental Death Ray, which might destroy every ship in the immediate vicinity, or blow you up, or cause mutant crew members to draw funny faces on the viewscreen...

And that's just for starters. To say more would just give too much away. But you can be sure that you'll have to figure out a thing or two in order to survive on the Admiral difficulty level, where nasty varieties of Mongols are everywhere, everyone is sending out distress calls, and ship systems fail at a rate that would probably make Kirk throw Scotty in the brig just to make him shut up. Oh, and reinforcements keep pouring in.

EGA Trek really is a fine little game, and it will keep you busy for a time as you race around the galaxy trying to survive or even get a high score. Of course, after blowing away fleet after fleet of Mongol ships, you might begin to feel like Picard in "Conundrum," blasting away at defenseless Lysians... or something."

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.49 MB).


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